Saxaphone Girl

Latest courses:

Make Millions a Year!
Just by Inventing the Personal Computer

Q: What do Steve Jobs and Bill Gates have in common?
A: They’ve made billions!
Q: How?
A: Let me explain. You see—
Q: Good. Because—
A: Let me finish. They made a fortune by inventing the personal computer!
It’s true what they say: in Silicon Valley, there’s gold in dem dar hills! But why make money designing software for computers, when you could invent the computer itself!

Sorbeth Randbo is the world’s only computer expert. His class will teach you how to build an affordable, easy-to-use computer that people will want to bring into their homes. He’ll show you how to invent concepts like the “cursor” and the “desktop” that make the computer easier to interact with than the hulking data processors of the past.

These techniques for inventing the personal computer are surefire winners! They worked for Bill Gates, now put them to work for you!

Sorbeth Randbo is the world’s only knowledge base for information related to computers.
Course 010101
Sec. A March 6 7:30-10:00pm
Member’s course fee $34.99 / Course fee $49.99

Hey Millionaire! Become an Eccentric Millionaire!

You got rich by thinking outside the box. You didn’t play by the rules when you were making your money (unless you were a professional athlete) so why play by the rules while spending it?!

Sir Von Brandenburg De Clave 
is the author of many books 
written in lamb’s blood on 
shredded wheat.
Sir Von Brandenburg De Clave — one of America’s most eccentric millionaires — can teach you how to get more out of being rich by “Brakin’ ull du Rulz!” As his patented catchphrase suggests, Sir De Clave isn’t a fan of conventions, button-down traditionalism, or spelling. And you shouldn’t be either! Unless it’s some roundabout way of rebelling!

Your $$ gives you something regular people don’t have: the chance to blow your $$ on crazy schemes!

You’ll learn:
  • Why take a car when a monorail will do?
  • To throw money away on go-nowhere pet projects in the arts! Space exploration! Chewing gum that stops time!
  • Invent a mermaid, then marry her!

Course 7999
Sec. A March 24 7:30-10:00pm
Member’s course fee $34.99 / Course fee $49.99

What’s That You Say?
Pretending to be Deaf Has Financial Advantages?

Mr. Beeswillster
Deaf people can hear something you can’t: prosperity! But why should the aurally-challenged have all the fun of having all the money? You deserve a muffled piece of the action, and Garnett Beeswillster’s course will show you how to serve up a hefty slice of “deaf pie!” To yourself!

Pretending to be deaf could make you the richest man in the world! Sound crazy? Yes! But not if you pretend not to hear it! If you cash in on this “unheard of” offer, the sound of all the money you’ll make will be deafening! For real this time! Metaphorically speaking.

The only thing “hard” about pretending to be hard of hearing is how “hard” of hearing you’ll pretend to be!

You’ll learn:
  • You don’t have to pay for something if you can’t hear the price-tag!
  • That deaf people can’t hear anything, not even the verdicts of lawsuits against them!
Garnett Beeswillster is a non-practicing unlicensed “attorney,” and the author of Hearing AIDS & Hearing Cancer: Who Needs a Doctor When You’ve Got Ears?

Course 7314
Sec. A March 1 7:30-10:00pm
Member’s course fee $34.99 / Course fee $49.99

Pursue a Career in Earning Money by Cashing in on Making a Fortune!

How often have you thought about maximizing your potential by creating an opening and living the dream of a lifetime once and for all?

Have you ever wanted to take your career to the next level by unlocking your ability to seize control of your future potential?
Porflub Dorwilliger is the inventor of the 
Successtron 2300 Career Embetterment 
Program and 17 other theoretical 
achievement prototypes.

No matter what your field of expertise, you can make your money work harder for you by talking to anyone, anytime, anywhere about anything on your way to becoming you own boss! This class will give you hundreds of straightforward tips for making it easy to simplify streamlining your earning power… in under 30 seconds!

“Success-pert” Porflub Dorwilliger has spent the last ten years coaching people just like you to cultivate a powerful network of contacts to help facilitate the transition to a supercharged career in upping your cash quota! Don’t wait! Make big money by identifying your unique code to unleashing your “millionaire’s mindset” so you can meet financial success head on on your own terms!

Course 4976
Sec. A April 24 7:30-10:00pm
Member’s course fee $34.99 / Course fee $49.99

Make $$$$ in Business! Not just $$$!

Are you making $, but feel that you’re worth $$, or even $$$? What if you could be making as much as $$$$ (that’s right: quadruple your $!) in less than a year?

 It’s possible, if you follow Y. P. Crease’s “Money-Related Plan for Success!” Many courses offer plans for doubling your $. That’s nothing new. High-priced business schools teach their students how to turn $$ into $$$. But only Crease’s M-R.P.f.S. is proven to turn whatever $ you have lying around into $$$$. And if you have $$ available to invest, look out! You could walk away from this course with $$$$$ or even two separate sets of $$$ and $$$ (that’s nearly $$$$$$!)

Y. P. Crease is a financial expert and the author of Discover the Millionaire Within You, Then Take His Money.

Course 7432
Sec. A April 13 7:30-10:00pm
Member’s course fee $34.99 / Course fee $49.99

Live Like a Millionaire! On Just $990,000 a Year!

Everette Hertfase is a millionaire 
inside, because he has the love of 
two beautiful daughters. He is a 
millionaire on the outside because 
his wife is a millionaire.
Own your own yacht, live in a mansion, sleep with the type of woman who only sleeps with millionaires! You CAN have it all, and you DON’T have to be a millionaire to do it.

Everette Hertfase has never made a million dollars in one year, but you wouldn’t know that by looking at him! He lives the “millionaire’s lifestyle,” on only nines of hundreds of thousands of dollars a year! In this course, he’ll teach you how to “fool” a very high six-figure salary into thinking it’s a seven-figure one!

  • That nobody spends every cent they earn in a given year
  • That the difference between 990,000 things and one million things is relatively slight
  • That you can put money in “savings” and “accrue interest” over “time.”

Course 3122314
Sec. A March 14 7:30-10:00pm
Member’s course fee $34.99 / Course fee $49.99

How to Start a Successful Thing That People Want to See or Use or Whatever

Do you have things that are neither here nor there? With the right something could those things maybe really be here, if we see what you’re saying?

Ike Wallpante has a lot of 
"things," or whatever, that he 
has told to groups of people 
in the past.
Ike Wallpante certainly sees what you’re saying, and he can help turn that thing into a thing that’s successful that lots of other people will look at or think about or something!

Growing up where he did, Mr. Wallpante had to learn early that telling people about whatever could come at the cost of something. And he wasn’t wrong!!! There are literally a number of things that you NEED to know if you want to turn that stuff from a thing into another more important thing.

Stop not doing things that could make your stuff into stuff that other people will see and/or use or even hear! Start today toward a place that is better than there!

Course 54646
Sec. A March 16 7:30-10:00pm
Member’s course fee $34.99 / Course fee $49.99